Today in world history, I Melanie Shaleya Lewis was born in 1978. That's right! But I wouldn't be able to share any ideas or inspire you to make a difference, if God's favor would not have allowed so many amazing people to make a difference in this world, besides my parents.(Smile.) One of the most notable, who's life and day of birth I humbly share today, is that of The Honorable William Edward Burghardt Dubois, known to most as W.E.B Dubois.
He was on born February 23, 1863, in Massachusetts. Civil Rights Activist, Editor, Historian, Pan-Africanist, Sociologist and Writer were amongst his titled accomplishments. He was also a professor at my Alma mater. In fact, he established the department of social work. I attended Clark Atlanta University which was created from the converting of Atlanta University (where he taught) and Clark College in Atlanta, Georgia.
His entire life was dedicated to education, research and sharing his knowledge to communicate about people of African decent. This was done so that one would become more informed when thinking, working, employing, living and generally interacting with those of African descent. He was a founder of the NAACP and the first African American to earn a PH.D from Harvard University. "To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships," W.E.B. Dubois. He died 95 years old in Ghana,1963.
What will your obituary read? Be inspired. Go back and click on the link of his name if you haven't already. View some of his accomplishments. Surely there is something you can do to facilitate necessary changes in your life or someone else. Also, if there is some fact you may not understand about your neighbor, ask them, or educate yourself with the knowledge.
Be Blessed!-Peace.
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