There is power in words. What are you saying? "And God said, Let there be light; and there was light," Holy Bible. Genesis 1:3 Amplified. Likewise ladies and gentlemen, let's speak light in the midst of our darkness; Speak to make our situations bright!
Confront the situation in front of you. There will be a brighter day. Proclaim "I will not stay like this" or "here," or "doing this!" I encourage you to speak positive and be empowered to change your life, if necessary. Set reachable measured goals for yourself; Encourage yourself. Watch this video of Donald Lawrence and the Tri City Singers on You Tube! Courtesy of EMI records.
One of the inspirational mediums that caused this blog to be in existence is that of Proverbs 31 Ministries. I was doing research for my sister in the lord, Minister Arlene Mitchell of Prayer and Empowerment and came across Proverbs 31 Ministries. Such a treasure! Such a blessing to my life.
I began to read the daily devotionals on a consistent basis. It was especially helpful while I worked my first corporate job at one of the top financial institutions during the financial crisis. I also shared this ministry with my friends; I now share it with you.
I would like to win a scholarship to the 2010 She Speaks Conference. There is more that I would like to have poured into my spirit to give. Blessed to be a blessing is my motto, my prayer and my mission. I am single, a mother, public relations specialist, trustee, writer, public speaker and volunteer. While I like to help people, I could use a refreshing. I also believe its very possible for my passion to become more prolific. So help me God. I speak it into existence. I will meet divine connections and learn new ideas to make a difference in the lives of people all over the world!
If you are or know of a woman that is in ministry, a writer or public speaker, I encourage you to view the information and consider attending the conference yourself or telling her about it. You will be inspired just by visiting the website. Let's speak this into existence: I am going to the 2010 She Speaks Conference. Now get into action and pursue this measurable goal. Words are powerful. Be Blessed!
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