Dancers pose after performance at NY Times Travel Show on Sunday, February 28, 2010. Photo By ThresholdWorld.
Hello World!
Are you planning a vacation this year? It's almost spring. Many opportunities are being presented to travel. Don't let time pass by without traveling somewhere different. The ending of February into March was a very busy time of destination travel.
The closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada was bittersweet. The Olympic flag is now in the hands of Russia, as they will host the 2014 Olympic games in Sochi. They've already begun to count down the days. Perhaps this is an opportunity to travel to a place many of us haven't thought to take in the past. I couldn't help but think of the first time I heard the Russian National Anthem. It was while watching Rocky Four.
Certainly, my prayers are with Chile and continue to be with Haiti. Amazing that Hawaii had that Tsunami scare. Some people probably had to cut their vacations short or perhaps stayed to help out. You never run out of people to help in the world. If you'd like to support those effected by these events, the American red cross always has great links to help you help them. P.S. March is American Red Cross Month. 'Down the Street Across the Country Around the World.'- Go back and check out the site if you didn't already.
I had a nice time The New York Times Travel Show at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center on Sunday, February 28. I took the girls and mom came along with us this year as well. We got to met Patricia Shultz, author of 1000 Places to See Before you Die. She signed my journal companion to her book, in which I was able to purchase on the spot.
We saw performances from all over the World. North American, African, Asian, and Caribbean performers had attendees stopping by to hear the sight and sounds of their homeland. One local group, FUSEZION, Synergy through creativity, performed under the Bahamas tent. I was able to find out they assist with Event Planning and Stage Production from the dance stage to carnival, as indicated in print by the groups choreographer, Cecile N. Brathwaite. They attended the West Indian Day Parade in Brooklyn, New York this past summer.

My daughters, mom and I all enjoyed the free gifts from the different vacation destinations. Flowers from Maui, Teddy bears from Bush Gardens. The opportunity to dance with Panamanian performers, free cookies from new friends representing Tanzania, obtaining a replica of the South African World Cup soccor ball, Spongebob poster advertising Nickelodeon at Sea, on the Norwegian Cruise Line and more.
We really had a great time. I almost paid for a home in Florida to stay in while vacationing, but since I'm not a driver and the transportation is not like NYC, I declined. I did however leave with bags and bags of potential places to visit. I did decide that I will plan a trip to experience the Holy Land in Orlando Florida. Stay tuned for more info. In the meantime, Safe travels, Be Blessed!-Peace
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