In death we leave memories to family, friends and co-workers; Yet our spirit of service can live on as a legacy as well.
Many educational institutions, non-profit organizations, churches, public and private businesses receive gifts from those that have been laid to rest from their labors. This act helps many organizations to still be standing decades later. Ask the development department of your favorite charity or organization. Tell them you'd like to make a lasting commitment to their cause. Nowadays one can request over a million on life insurance anyway, so why not allow your specified amount to go towards a good cause.
Perhaps your name can live on and your philanthropic efforts be commemorated in a ribbon cutting for a new building, computer lab, classroom, library, etc. Check the better business bureau and other accountability organizations about the financials of your organization; Speak to your lawyer and touch up that will. Leave a legacy that will make a difference after you lay to rest from your labours.
Be Blessed! Peace.
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