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Showing posts from October, 2019

Heal and Be Well!

On Wednesday I experienced the opportunity of sharing higher education opportunities with employees of Mount Sinai Hospital. I felt blessed to share resources with professionals that serve to care for the well being of so many. Thanks so much again to the Mount Sinai Hospital Diversity and Inclusion  Council and 1199 SEIU .   Mount Sinai Diversity Council Co-chairs Patricia Orlieb and Suzanne Young -Mercer.  During this engaging event I met Hayley Gardiner of Mount Sinai Center for Spirituality and Health . I was intrigued by this area of the hospital and went over for more information.  Hayley Gardiner of Mount Sinai Center for Spirituality and Health  Hayley kindly offered me lavender oil for my wrists. It was refreshing to breathe in the aroma. It was cleansing. defines  Aromatherapy as a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Sometimes it’s called essential o...

How Do You Repair the World?

National Service Shabbat with Geralynn Lane Five years ago... a table was prepared for me to meet  new friends.  The picture above is the day that started it all; actually, it was the preparation for this day. My partner at the podium is Geralynn Lane, not pictured (yet in the audience) is Yusyin Hsin. We’d all been working with NYC Service at partnering agencies. There was an opportunity to attend a National Service Shabbat. I was intrigued by this idea to celebrate service through Jewish custom and belief. As opposed to a formal grace over the food, Geralynn and I led the audience into a moment of gratitude, setting the tone for the evening. There were many progressive young people present. We listened to one another and shared our stories. It was a safe space. Our common share was the gratitude in meeting one another through service.   I grew up in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Honestly the only connection that I had with my Jewish neighbors was my parent’s l...