On Wednesday I experienced the opportunity of sharing higher education opportunities with employees of Mount Sinai Hospital. I felt blessed to share resources with professionals that serve to care for the well being of so many. Thanks so much again to the Mount Sinai Hospital Diversity and Inclusion Council and 1199 SEIU . Mount Sinai Diversity Council Co-chairs Patricia Orlieb and Suzanne Young -Mercer. During this engaging event I met Hayley Gardiner of Mount Sinai Center for Spirituality and Health . I was intrigued by this area of the hospital and went over for more information. Hayley Gardiner of Mount Sinai Center for Spirituality and Health Hayley kindly offered me lavender oil for my wrists. It was refreshing to breathe in the aroma. It was cleansing. Healthline.org defines Aromatherapy as a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Sometimes it’s called essential o...
My life's journey is filled with ideas, information and inspiration to spur the world into positive action! -Melanie S. Lewis