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Imagine Your Wings!

I sat in the park on this beautiful day. There was a butterfly that came by and it reminded me of a song by Denice Williams BlackButterfly

As children many of us would open up our arms and flap them up and down like a bird or parallel like an airplane. We imagined ourselves soaring. Today I ran through the park with my arms wide open as a butterfly. I allowed myself as an adult to enjoy the open green space of nature. 

It was so freeing as I recall the process from which I’ve overcome. To see the light in my own life coming from a period that appeared so dim is a blessing. I see with the eyes of my faith. I thank God I'm no longer in those unattractive days. I was challenged in single parenting, lack of income and dealing with depression.  Whenever you see someone complimenting someone for their beauty in some form just know they certainly have their own story of ugliness. These areas were all related to forces down grading my value.  I’m grateful to have the guts to share so that we all can shine!

This fall homecoming season I plan to share my personal story which started on my campus. I hope that aspiring graduates will seek to understand the struggle that I endured from my choices in order for them to soar. If you’d be interested in having me speak on your college campus feel free to contact me today. I'm open to share with clubs, religious groups as well freshman through senior students. Email:

So I spoke a little on beautiful things.....Guess what? .....I will be the MC and Panel Moderator for the first Beauty For Ashes Conference in Brooklyn this month. It’s the brainchild of visionary Joycelin Allgood. So many amazing women will be on the panel, performing and speaking. You are welcome to join in this great weekend.  Get your tickets today! It’s on Friday, September 14 and Saturday, September 15, 2018.

I leave you today with these amazing words….from

Black Butterfly

Morning light, silken dream take flight
As the darkness gives way to the dawn
You survived, now your moment has arrived
Now your dream has finally been born

Black Butterfly, sail across the waters
Tell your sons and daughters what the struggle brings
Black Butterfly, set the skies on fire
Rise up even higher
So the ageless winds of time can catch your wings


While you slept, the promise was unkept
But your faith was as sure as the stars
Now you're free, and the world has come to see
Just how proud and beautiful you are

Black Butterfly, sail across the waters
Tell your sons and daughters what the struggle brings
Black Butterfly, set the skies on fire
Rise up even higher
So the wind can catch your wings

Let the current lift your heart and send it soaring
Write your timeless message clear across the skies
So that all of us can read it and remember when we need it
That a dream conceived in truth can never die

Cause now you're free and the world has come to see
Just how proud and beautiful you are

Black Butterfly, sail across the waters
Tell your sons and daughters
what the struggle brings
Black Butterfly, set the skies set them on fire
Rise up even higher so the ageless winds of time can catch your wings

Yeah, yeah, yes


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