Hello World, Brooklyn! There is someone here from everywhere. Most people anywhere know somebody in Brooklyn. Last Saturday while setting up for S.M.I.L.E. (P.S. -Thanks so much to everyone that came out to the event. It was amazing!) I met new friends pictured below, from the Czech Republic, in Saratoga Park. I can't wait to revisit Prague, eat some cheese and sausage, see castles, etc. :) -
Now with it being September, I'll list some things I'm doing in my neighborhood this month that you can be inspired to do in your part of the world. Be sure to click on all highlighted text in this post!
Mini me modeling for little ones.- Ready for the road!
Sneak Peak! The West Indian Day Carnival Association's 48th Annual Carnival Festivities begin this week. My little one was asked to be a model and is scheduled to participate in the Kiddie Carnival this Saturday, September 5th. The parade begins at 9am on Kingston Ave and Saint Johns Place and ends 3pm at the Brooklyn Museum. Fun fact: In a 2013 interview with Trinidad Urban radio station Slam 100.5 FM before his concert on Thursday, 7 February 2013, Garlin said the song "Differentology" /Ready for the Road was a blessing from God that was a collaborative effort with the songs producer Keron "Sheriff" Thompson. Bouncing creative ideas off one another.-Wikipedia
There is a new organization working in Crown Heights. The first co-hort of Repair the World Fellows are headquarted at 808 Nostrand Avenue. A meet and greet is scheduled for September 9th at 8pm. Learn more about the organization and Click here for ways you can volunteer during high holy days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (September 13- 23, 2015.)
I was blessed to learn of the organization when I was invited for a Shabbat dinner celebrating national Service this past year. It was such an unexpected opportunity. I really appreciated the experience. So maybe I'll see ya then! Click here to register. -Tell them Melanie invited you :)
Yours truly will be coordinating Cycling for Life in BK! Join me in distributing information and spreading hope.- From Utica Ave Train Station, cycling over to Nostrand Avenue station, then Franklin Avenue, ending with a cycle around prospect park for a total of about 6 miles in all. Bike with me to impact a life! Click Here! I'm also raising funds for the International Association of Suicide Prevention and the great work they do in the world. I appreciate your generosity. Click here to support with $6 or more for the 6 miles!
The challenge is to collectively cycle the circumference of the globe, 40,075 km or 24,900 miles, and to have participants cycling on every continent. This activity is all about the global community spreading awareness of the importance of suicide prevention. This year's theme for World Suicide Prevention Day is Preventing Suicide: Reaching Out and Saving Lives, and brings to awareness that by reaching out help can be found. -The International Association of Suicide Prevention.
September 10th is also a Voting Day in NYC!- Click here to get more information about who's running and where to vote . NYC Votes is a great resource for that information. You can find the correct number of your Election/Assembly District, Judicial District, Congressional District, Senatorial District, Council District, Municipal Court District and Assembly District numbers by clicking here.
Enjoying the beautiful colors and beats of the Caribbean, meeting new neighbors, cycling to encourage hope and voting for your choice of public servants are all in your hands. -You just have to make it happen. Be Blessed. See ya soon!
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