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Four Top Picks for August in America!

August is the month of new beginnings! There are so many amazing opportunities to be involved and active in your community, nation and the world.
(Pic-North Texas Progressive Newsletter) President Barack Obama will be celebrating his 52nd birthday on Sunday, August 4, 2013. Click here to sign his birthday card! There will be many active parties around the country as the president is calling August the month of Action! Click here to see the video and hear him speak at the Action August Summit. If you voted for U.S. President Barack Obama or are in agreement with some of his agenda, it would be wise to follow up by helping to support those initiatives sent by his offices and organizing for Action(OFA) 'Organizing for Action is a nonprofit organization established to support President Obama in achieving enactment of the national agenda Americans voted for on Election Day 2012. OFA will advocate for these policies throughout the country and will mobilize citizens of all parties and diverse points to speak out for speedy passage and effective implementation of this program, including gun violence prevention, sensible environmental policies to address climate change and immigration reform. In addition, OFA will encourage the formation of chapters that will be dedicated at the grassroots level to this program, but also committed to identifying and working progressive change on a range of issues at the state and local level. In carrying its work, OFA will operate as a "social welfare" organization within the meaning of section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.'- as stated on site. We think they're doing an incredible job informing supporters of what going on and how one can assist! Click here to find those parties in your area on the site as well. We will be at one of them too!
The Eighth Annual Jazz Age Lawn Party will be held on Governors Island August 17th and 18th. Click the following link, for more information! We were there June 16! Founder Melanie Lewis was a Bathing Beauty, rode bikes on the island with the girls, met up with friends, and met director of the Great Gastby movie, Baz Luhrmann!-In addition to enjoying the music and style of our friend, Michael Arenella. Type in ThresholdWorld on Facebook to see our pics, and like the page for updates and current events!
(pic The Arthur Ashe Kids' Day of the 2013 US Open will be held on Saturday, August 24th, 2013. ThresholdWorld will be there! The US Open Tennis Championships will take place on August 26-September 9th in Queens, NY.
The 50th Annniversary of the March on Washington where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his 'I have a Dream' Speech will commence on Wednesday, August 28th, 2013 in Washington D.C. The march will start at 9:30am and is also for jobs and justice. Click here for more information by NAN- The National Action Network, founded by Reverend Al Sharpton. There will be rallies at the Department of Labor and Department of Justice. We're working on being there and have already ordered a t-shirt! Be blessed as you take action in America this August. Peace!


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