Greetings World! I feel so blessed to be writing again. Much Appreciation to all the Teachers! - See the events and educators to follow in this post . You know who you are. Whether it's elementary, middle school, high school or college. Whether it was for one to obtain a diploma, degree, certificate or street smarts. If you have taught someone a skill that causes them to have more understanding and maybe even find a better way of life, then you have helped make that difference. Life in itself is certainly a teacher. In my 42 years of life I've learned lessons which have helped me to navigate future challenges. This is also why I write. It's part of my life's purpose. I've learned things that I can share to inform and inspire you to make a positive difference. It's like electricity. You need a charge. The lesson though is to find yourself current! We need to be recharged at times. Oh that's a topic for another day. -A teacher gives a set of lessons...
My life's journey is filled with ideas, information and inspiration to spur the world into positive action! -Melanie S. Lewis